Friday, March 26, 2010

Inflamation - What to do ???

Inflammation is a normal body defense that can become enemy No.1, if it doesn't stop when it finished healing. It can burn silently like an underground fire and can become a "secret killer". So suddenly INFLAMMATION has become one of the hotest areas of medical research. Chronic inflammation may be the engine that drives many of the most feared illnesses of middle and old age. Instead of different treatments for, say heart disease, Alzheimer's and colon cancer there might be a single, inflammation reducting remedy that might prevent all three. (Time magazine wrote about this in Feb 23,2004 issue.)

The New Way: The Mangosteen, an exotic Asian tropical fruit, said to be the most delicious fruit in the world. It has a thick outer peel, dark purple-red,and is known for centuries as a potent folk medicine for inflammation, pain, gastro-intestinal problems, fevers, wounds, skin conditions, headaches, malaria, syphilis, parasites and infections.
Mangosteen peel contains more that 40 dynamic natural healing nutrients called XANTHONES. Other healing plants have one or two at the most.
"Let your food be your medicine" - Hippocrates

How do I get some you say?

Karen,owner,webmaster,networker,seeker of health

Hints and tips for good health, plus bHip Energy drink and Mangosteen products that are amazing for your health.

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