Saturday, August 7, 2010

Summer is here and the Mosquitos are biting.

Once again the bugs are out having a feast on us as we try to enjoy our camping, BBQ's etc. I have a little hint for you that is worth trying, Mangosteen Juice is great for those itchy bites. Just put a few drops in a small glass and get a cotton ball and soak it in the juice and dab on every bite. It works very fast and gets those bites healed up too. Great for little kids as they are so tender that they really get bit. Try getting a bottle of Mangosteen Juice and see how quick it works! You can even drink it for some amazing results. We love it in our family - There's no bugs on us !

Karen,owner,webmaster,networker,seeker of health
Hints and tips for good health, plus bHip Energy drink and Mangosteen products that are amazing for your health.