It is not witches brew, it's honest to goodness pure fruit puree juice. I first learned of
Mangosteen juice, by Xango, several years ago, and we have been using it and trying out some variations with it.
It has been tested by Doctors and many people who could not believe the power it has to help you heal.
I can only tell you how my family and I have responded to it's use. Taken daily (only 1 to 1 1/2 ounces per day) it has helped us stay healthy and feeling great.
Here is a list of uses we have found:
1. Heals burns fast and stops the pain in several minutes.
2. Heals bug bites fast.
3. As a poulice it reduces inflamation fast.
4. Helped an azheimers patient come back to recognising the family.
5. Helps cancer patients deal with chemo side effects, and doesn't
interfere with the treatment.
6. Does not interfere with any medication, it's only fruit juice.
7. Great for Acne, we put some in cream and applied it to the face.
8. Can give it to children, they love it.
9. Dogs and cats are helped by it too. Flees don't seem to like them very much when they are drinking
Mangosteen Juice by Xango. The animals love it!
10. Totally got rid of tumors in my friends Thyroid, Doctor was impressed.
Other Facts: No added sugar, No water, Only fruit added for sweetness, all ground up and bottled, First to market with this product, 25 year patent, Most potent antioxidant known so far,called a Xanthone, no other Mangosteen product compares.
Do you have any reasons why you should not be taking
Mangosteen by Xango? I welcome your comments.
Karen,owner,webmaster,networker,seeker of health
Recently I burned my hand and came up in large blisters instantly. I felt so foolish then was shocked by the intense pain. Affter running my hand under cold water I soaked it in a bowl of Mangosteen juice. I was amazed to feel the pain subside and the blisters start to shrink. By the next day the blisters were flat and hardened. I am astounded by how quickly the juice healed the burn. A great emergency helper. I am hooked. Wonderful product.